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Jul 24 2024

Turning Points?

  • Jul 24, 2024

Leuthold's Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey, shares his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead. After, he answers some of our client's questions moderated by Scott Opsal, Director of Research.

Jul 19 2024

Sweet Dreams

  • Jul 19, 2024

In this episode of the Leuthold Podcast, Phil Segner provides a mid-year review of their "dreams" and "nightmares" portfolios for 2024 and finds some interesting results.

May 14 2024

On The Edge Of The Dance Floor

  • May 14, 2024

Join us for a Zoom Call with Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey where he will share his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead.

Mar 29 2024

2024 Earnings & The Mag 7

  • Mar 29, 2024

Phil Segner digs into the earnings data on the latest Leuthold Podcast.

Feb 28 2024

NVDA - The Eighth Wonder of the World

  • Feb 28, 2024

Phil Segner examines Nvidia's meteoric rise to the four percent club and juxtaposes it with Cisco's dot-com bubble surge.

Feb 22 2024

Webinar Replay: Pretty Darn Neutral

  • Feb 22, 2024

Join us for a Zoom Call with Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey where he will share his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead.

Dec 18 2023

Webinar Replay: "Pre-Recessionary" Vibes

  • Dec 18, 2023

Join us for a Zoom Call with Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey where he will share his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead.

Nov 30 2023

Magnificent Seven or Malignant Seven?

  • Nov 30, 2023

Phil Segner looks at the outsized contribution of the largest seven stocks in the S&P 500 on both the upside and the downside.

Sep 27 2023

Webinar Replay: The Hunt for Red October

  • Sep 27, 2023

Join us for a Zoom Call with Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey where he will share his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead.

Jul 27 2023

July 27th Webinar - Fight the "Tape", or Fight the Fed?

  • Jul 27, 2023

Join us for a Zoom Call with Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey where he will share his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead.

Jul 21 2023

Midsummer Dreams & Nightmares Check In

  • Jul 21, 2023

We update our annual exercise for the mid-year, reviewing how the industry “Dreams” and “Nightmares” of the previous year have fared in the first half of this year.

Jun 22 2023

June 22nd Webinar with Doug Ramsey - Calm Before The Storm?

  • Jun 22, 2023

Join us for a Zoom Call with Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey where he will share his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead.

Mar 31 2023

#63 - 2023 Earnings: Easy to Take the "Under"

  • Mar 31, 2023

Phil Segner digs into the earnings data on the latest Leuthold Podcast.

Feb 16 2023

February 16th Webinar with Doug Ramsey - Flying By The Instruments

  • Feb 16, 2023

Join us for a Zoom Call with Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey where he will share his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead.

Jan 26 2023

#61 - End of the 4% Club Golden Era

  • Jan 26, 2023

Phil Segner takes another look at the 4% club. For those of you not familiar with this vignette: back in the day, achieving a 4% weight in the S&P 500 had been a rare feat, occurring only during periods of extreme enthusiasm for technology, conglomerates or oil. The blessing of membership soon turned into a curse, with most taking just a cup of coffee behind the velvet ropes before being thrown to the curb because of dramatic underperformance to the rest of the Index.

Jan 19 2023

#60 - MTI Moved to Neutral

  • Jan 19, 2023

The rally that’s kicked off 2023 is internally much stronger than suggested by the major averages, which contributed to the Major Trend Index’s upgrade to neutral in the latest calculation (after nearly a year in the negative zone).

Jan 12 2023

#59 - “Dreams” And “Nightmares”

  • Jan 12, 2023

We update our annual exercise reviewing how the industry “Dreams” and “Nightmares” of the previous year (2021 in this case) fared in the ensuing year (2022), and conclude with the new year’s industry composition of the Dream and Nightmare portfolios based on 2022 performance.

Oct 26 2022

#58 - The 60/40’s Annus Horribilis

  • Oct 26, 2022

The balanced portfolio strategy of allocating 60% to equities and 40% to fixed income generated a highly satisfactory 7.9% annualized return over the last 30 years. Despite the excellent returns earned by investors following this strategic model, the past couple of years have seen a parade of articles with headlines such as “Is the 60/40 Portfolio Obsolete?” and “Is the 60/40 Dead?” Given the central importance of this moderate allocation strategy to investment industry practices, we felt a closer look at the 60/40 portfolio was in order.

Oct 19 2022

October 19, 2022 Webinar with Doug Ramsey

  • Oct 19, 2022

A replay of a Zoom Call with Chief Investment Officer, Doug Ramsey where he shared his thoughts and observations on today's market and what he sees looking ahead. The slides are available through the PDF Download.

Oct 04 2022

#56 - Factor Returns And A Basket Of EGGs

  • Oct 4, 2022

Equity factors are characteristics that have historically generated excess returns relative to the universe of stocks. However, in recent years factor returns have been underwhelming, causing investors to wonder if factors have become too popular, too crowded, or just plain obsolete. Then came the second quarter of 2022, when all six major factors outperformed the S&P 500, a feat only accomplished in four quarters over the last 27 years!

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