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Tactical Asset Allocation

Utilize fundamental and quantitative tools that have been refined and expanded over 30+ years of managing tactical asset allocation (TAA) portfolios.

Portfolio Summary

As of Mar 31, 2023
Downloadable Materials
  • Inception:
    January 1, 2017
  • Benchmark:
    60% ACWI/40% BB Bar. U.S. Agg.
Investment Vehicles
  • SMA Platforms:
    • Account Minimum: $50,000
    • Management Fee: 50bps
    • Fees negotiable > $25mm
  • UMA Platforms:
    • Account Minimum: Varies
    • Management Fee: 35bps
To invest in this strategy, please Contact Us

Annualized Performance

As of Sep 30, 2024 (gross of fees)
Period GTAA Bench
Sep 1.37 1.94
Q3 5.72 6.12
2023 16.42 15.43
YTD 11.51 13.23
1-YR 22.00 23.83
3-YR 5.19 4.57
5-YR 10.71 7.75
12/29/16 9.65 7.83

Estimated Return Statistics

As of Sep 30, 2024
Statistic GTAA Bench
Alpha 0.06 -
Beta 1.13 -
Tracking Error 1.19 -
R-squared 0.95 -
Standard Deviation 14.35 12.40
Sharp Ratio 0.09 0.05
Max Drawdown -20.91 -21.13
GTAA = Global Tactical Asset Allocation Bench = 60% ACWI/40% BB Bar. U.S. Agg.

Equity Disciplines

  • Valuation: Monitor historical and relative valuation using fundamental metrics such as free cash flow yield, normalized earnings yield, and intrinsic value.
  • Growth: Measure fundamental growth rates including sales growth, EPS growth, and earnings revisions.
  • Technical: Evaluate technical strength or weakness using proprietary Chart Score algorithm.
  • Leadership: Identify market leadership trends using proprietary Reverse-Adjusted Momentum, VLT relative strength, and VLT momentum models.


Fixed Income Disciplines

  • Risk Allocation Model: Evaluate the relative attractiveness of Treasuries versus Credits.
  • Inflation Allocation Model: Assess the relative attractiveness of nominal vs. inflation-protected assets.
  • Credit Allocation Model: Measure the risk/return trade-offs across credit ratings.
  • FX Overlay: Consider currency’s impact on the risk and return of foreign bonds.


Asset Class Opinions


The Leuthold Group was founded in 1981 as an independent investment research firm. In 1987, the firm registered an RIA subsidiary with the Securities and Exchange Commission and began to direct investment portfolios based on the financial analysis of their research. Historical performance reflected is a composite of all fully discretionary, fee-paying institutional and private accounts, managed as Leuthold Global Tactical ETF Portfolio accounts. “Gross” performance results reflect the deduction of all transaction costs, but do not include custodial, investment advisory fees or other expenses. “Net” performance is an estimate that reflects the deduction of all transaction costs and investment advisory fees paid. For periods in the current quarter, net estimates are calculated based upon the highest investment advisory fee paid. The current month’s gross performance is an estimate.

  • MSCI ACWI is designed to measure global equity market performance of Developed and Emerging Markets. Performance is net of foreign tax withholding.
  • Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate provides a broad-based measure of U.S. investment grade fixed-rate debt markets.
  • MSCI ACWI and Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate are indexes and cannot be invested in directly.

Returns presented for Leuthold Global Tactical ETF Portfolio assume reinvestment of all dividends, interest, and realized gains. Past performance should not be considered predictive of future performance. As with any investment, there can be no assurance that the investment objective will be achieved or that an investor will not lose a portion or all of his investment. The Leuthold Global Tactical ETF Portfolio composite was established on December 31, 2016.

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